2015 Annual Report

Hawai‘i Friends of Restorative Justice (HF): (formerly Hawai’i Friends of Justice & Civic Education) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit established in 1980 that is committed to advancing civic behavior and improving the justice system.

Mission of Hawai‘i Friends: increase democratic behavior by engaging people in positive civic activities and decision making advocates through developing programs, research for determining evidence-based practices that rehabilitate, heal and give hope.

Public Health approach: since its inception, when it piloted a Street Law program to rehabilitate youth involved with the justice system, HF has used public health approaches, including cooperative education, solution-focused, restorative justice and other engaged learning practices, to promote positive civic experiences and improve the justice system.

HF Vision: a humanitarian justice system that provides processes for hope, healing and rehabilitation.  

HF Values:

  • Approach individuals with respect and dignity in a humanitarian manner which is just
  • Provide the opportunity for emotional and physical healing
  • Act in a manner that is solution focused, repairs harm, and creates hope
  • Do this in a confidential manner that is democratic and fosters autonomy and transparency

Hawai’i Friends’ Board of Directors:

Richard Turbin, Esq., President – Rich is the founder and President of the law firm Turbin Chu where he practices in the areas of personal injury, wrongful death and malpractice in Honolulu, Hawai’i. He received his BA, magna cum laude, from Cornell University and his JD from Harvard Law School. Mr. Turbin served as the 2005 President of the Hawai’i State Bar Association, and was elected to the National Council of Bar Presidents of the American Bar Association (ABA); Chair of the ABA Tort & Insurance Practice Section; elected President of Consumer Lawyers 2002 – 2003; Civil Rights Commissioner for Hawai’i 2002 – 2006; Traphagen Distinguished Alumni speaker at Harvard Law School 2004; received Pursuit of Justice Award of the ABA Tort & Insurance Practice Section 2006; has taught numerous courses and written articles for ABA & a text book; served as Chair of Waialae Kahala Neighborhood Board 1994 – 2004; member MADD and Alliance Francaise of Hawai’i.

Roger Epstein, Esq., Vice President – Roger is a graduate of Georgetown University Law School. He has a private legal practice in Honolulu and retired from Cades Schutte, in Honolulu after 30 years. He’s a cofounder of  the Hawai‘i Forgiveness Project (http://www.hawaiiforgivenessproject.org ) and is dedicated to improving our community.

Svitlana Pronina Campbell, Secretary – Svitlana is a teacher and lawyer born in the Ukraine, who settled in Honolulu in 1999.  Svitlana graduated from the University of Hawaii William S. Richardson School of Law with both J.D. and LL.M. degrees concentrating on international and business law matters. She has taught mandatory classes on basics of Preventative Law in Ukraine high schools, offered classes on drug and crime prevention, and hosted a legal radio program in her home country.  She is a passionate supporter of education and preventative law in Hawaii.

Madonna Castro Perez, Treasurer – Madonna works at the Legal Aid Society of Hawai‘i (LASH) in the Fair Housing unit as a Civil Rights Advocate. Prior to working at LASH, Madonna interned in Washington, D.C. at the American Legislative Exchange council and doubled majored in Political Science and History. Shortly after, she moved to Hawai‘i for graduate school and received her Masters in Pacific Islands Studies. A passion to serve others, she volunteers at random places and events. From holding a sign for three hours on the side of the road in Hawai‘i Kai to waking up at 5:30 am to count whales; there is always something interesting that she helps out with. In her spare time, she likes watching Korean dramas, eating delicious food with friends, running, and documenting her cooking and eating adventures on thenosyfoodcritic.blogspot.com.

Cheri Tarutani, MSW, LCSW – Cheri is an Instructor with the University of Hawaii Manoa, School of Social Work Distance Education program. Prior to joining the UH faculty, she was a Child and Adult Protection Specialist for Child Welfare Services for 7 years. During that time, she was the designated Family Drug Court worker and was part of the Family Drug Court team that was awarded the Natural Collaborative Leader Award in 2004 from the Mediation Center of the Pacific. Ms. Tarutani has a Bachelor of Arts in Women’s Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles and a Masters in Social Work from the University of Hawaii, Manoa.

Kellen Kashiwa, OD – Dr. Kellen Kashiwa is a low-vision specialist. As a licensed doctor of optometry, he is trained in the examination and management of patients with visual impairments that cannot be corrected with pharmaceutical or surgical interventions, conventional prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses. Born and raised in Hawaii, Dr. Kashiwa earned his Doctor of Optometry Degree from Pacific University College of Optometry in Oregon, where he concentrated in low vision and retinal disease. He previously served as a technician and diagnostic photographer at the Retina Institute of Hawaii from 2008 to 2009. Dr. Kashiwa completed internships in Japan and China, and has seen over 3,000 patients doing optometric humanitarian work in the Philippines, Peru, and Nicaragua.

Ian Crabbe – grew up in Pearl City, played football for Foothill College in California. He is a Hawai’i licensed electrician. He is very proud of his only child, who works in forensics for the FBI. Ian had one of the first restorative reentry circles in 2005 at Waiawa Correctional Facility where he was imprisoned for drug related offenses. He spent three years in prison with little family contact. The circle enabled him to make amends and rebuild relationships with his family. He became his father’s caregiver before he passed away. In 2014, Governor Neil Abercrombie pardoned Ian’s criminal convictions. Ian has been an important supporter for Hawai’i Friends of Restorative Justice for over ten years.

Elizabeth Naholowa`a Murph – Elizabeth is Native Hawaiian and originally from Honolulu.  She received her B.S. in Computer Science & Information Systems Science from East Tennessee State University in 1983. She lives in Hilo and has worked with numerous non-profits.

Lorenn Walker, Volunteer Executive Director (ED) –public health educator and restorative lawyer (www.lorennwalker.com) who develops, implements, researches and publishes the results of social learning processes using restorative justice and solution-focused approaches. Lorenn is a Senior Fulbright Specialist for international peacemaking training. She first became involved with Hawai’i Friends in 1994 when she was the mock trial attorney coach for Waialua High School and was working as trial lawyer for the state of Hawai’i. Since then Hawai’i Friends has changed its name and has shifted its focused from law related education, e.g. mock trial, to restorative justice. She donates her ED time to the Hawai’i Friends and receives minimal compensation from grants and donations for her other work.

2015 Pilot Programs Provided

1. Huikahi Reentry Circles a reentry and transition planning process for incarcerated people and their loved ones and Modified Huikahi Restorative Circles for incarcerated people who meet with other incarcerated supporters (often leads to circles with loved ones). To date we have provided 138 reentry circles, primarily for incarcerated individuals in Hawai’i with loved ones and family that 590 people have participated in and 100% continue to report it’s a positive process. Three of the people who had circles were women in the Federal Detention Center (new pilot described below) who had it before being sentenced and two other people were men. One was in Washington DC and one was in Wilmington, North Carolina. Both states are replicating the process and the circles were held as part of a training program (also described below). Additionally   modified circles for women in the Hawai’i’s state women’s prison were also provided.

2. 12-Week Cognitive Course on Restorative Justice: Restorative Justice as a Solution-Focused Approach to Conflict and Wrongdoing is an interactive 12-week training program for incarcerated people introducing them to cognitive, behavioral and emotional insight and skill-building for criminal and substance abuse desistance. This cognitive behavioral course, which teaches emotional intelligence, has been provided since 2004. Two courses were provided with one completed in spring of 2015 when 18 women finished, with 12 completing the entire course, and the second course finished in the winter of 2015 with 18 women again taking it, with 15 completing in its entirety.

3. 7th Annual Parolee Completion Celebration: this event that Judge Leslie Kobayashi and our ED wrote a paper about (https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2700728) honors the hard work of people completing parole and those who have helped them. The event was held on October 13, 2015 with about 70 people attending at Ali’iolani Hale with our Chief Justice opening the circle. Hawai’i parole officers, members of our justice system, formerly incarcerated people, and the community, together in a positive shared process that encourages their continued best efforts. Awards were given to: By Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald & Rich Turbin to: Georgette Kahao, Masters of Social Work Student, University of Hawai’I, Restorative Justice Award for Formerly Incarcerated Person; Kat Brady, Community Activist & Advocate Restorative Justice Community Award; Michela Valador, Adult Correctional Officer, Women’s Community Correctional Center, Restorative Justice Prison Award; Leslie Kobayashi, Federal District Court Judge, Judicial Innovation Award; Mark Nanamori, Hawai’i State Parole Officer, Russ Takaki Restorative State Parole Officer Award Cheryl Inouye, Hawai’i Probation Section Administrator, Russ Takaki Restorative State Probation Officer Award Lisa Jicha, Senior U.S. Probation Officer, Russ Takaki Restorative Federal Probation Officer Award.

4. State Court Interpreter Program: the court interpreter training program supports increased accessibility to judiciary services for those of limited English proficiency through the use of multilingual public service announcements. Among the services provided are free language assistance, self-help centers for pro-se litigants, and Ho’okele court service centers/information desks.

University of Hawai‘i, Social Work School Interns:

1. Erin Ka’ahea-Gross is our MSW intern from the University of Hawai’i for the academic year 2014-2015. She has been a major resource to our organization and we are hopeful she will become an excellent circle facilitator.

2. Lamont Giles, MSW student intern Fall 2015 – Spring 2016 aka “LA” has been a wonderful contributor to our work and resource for the imprisoned women we work with.

University Of Hawai’i Shidler School of Business MBA project:

Two MBA students have begun working on a strategic plan for the organization to be completed in the spring 2015. Our main goal for the organization is to make it sustainable. Right now we rely almost exclusively on volunteer and pro bono efforts and need to have more support to keep the organization going when our key members can no longer perform duties. The students provided many useful ideas for HF to apply for more sustainability.

Academic Publications & Other Media

Walker, (2015) Reentry circles for the innocent: the psychological benefits of restorative justice and taking responsibility in response to injustice, In The Psychology of Restorative Justice: Managing the Power Within, Ed. Gavrielides, Farnham: Ashgate Publishing.

Walker, Tarutani & McKibben, 2015, Benefits of Restorative Reentry Circles for Children of Incarcerated Parents in Hawai’i, in Promoting the Participation of Children across the Globe: From Social Exclusion To Child-Inclusive Policies, Eds. Gal & Faedi Duramy, London: Oxford University Press.

Walker & Kobayashi, 2015, Restorative & Therapeutic Reentry Rituals. In Offender release and supervision:The role of Courts and the use of discretion, Ed. Evans, Netherlands: Wolf Legal Publishing.

Walker, 2015, Applied positive criminology: Reentry and transition planning circles for incarcerated people and their loved ones, In Positive Criminology: The Good Can Overcome the Bad, Eds. Ronel & Segev, London: Routledge Books.

Opeds in Honolulu StarAdvertiser newspaper co-authored by ED:
Hawai’i needs fewer prisoners, not more prisons. Walker & Merce, Honolulu Star Advertiser, January 7, 2015 https://hawaiifriends.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/honolulu-star-advertiser-1-1-7-15.pdf

Money politics delaying needed prison reform. Ganaden & Walker, Honolulu Star Advertiser, October 14, 2015 http://lorennwalker.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Money_politics_delaying_needed_prison_reform.pdf


Rich Turbin, Roger Epstein, retired Judge Leslie Hayashi, Sonny Ganadan, Ian Cooke, Kim Takata, Lorenn all worked with Alison Jacobs who spearheaded an ‘Olelo show on our RJ work in 2015.

Other academic & community activities: 

March 12, 2015 ED provides community building workshop Washington DC with police chief Michael Davis in collaboration with Collaborative Solutions for Communities www.wearecsc.org. Our work in restorative justice and solution-focused interventions was shared and appreciated by the 20+ participants.

May 2015 Zehr Institute Consultation, ED was invited to participate in RJ: The Next Generation, a three-year project by The Zehr Institute at the Eastern Mennonite University, Center for Justice & Peacemaking (Howard Zehr is one of the world’s most renowned RJ experts). She traveled to Virginia in May 2015 for a week to participate in the first year’s efforts that 30 people worldwide were invited to by Zehr Institute.

Summer 2015 ED had two Fulbright appointments in Europe for seven weeks total on our work. Four weeks in Belgrade, Serbia and three weeks in Spain’s Basque Country providing training on our circles and other interventions. She also provided a talking circle in Budapest, Hungry, and she visited and gave a talk at a Serbian women’s prison.

November 2015 ED keynote speaker Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Association at annual conference (http://www.sfbta.org/conferences/2015.html) where she discussed our work in Wilmington, North Carolina. She provided a reentry circle during a workshop she provided in Wilmington and was also very surprised and honored to receive a lifetime achievement award from the Association given to her at the conference.

November 2015 ED presented in Ewa Beach on how schools can apply restorative justice for Ceeds of Peace organization that works with school throughout Hawai’i.

December 2015 ED presented at Brigham Young University, Kahuku on restorative justice.

Goals for 2016

  1. Submit a query to a major foundation for support becoming sustainable.
  2. Independent evaluation of the prison reentry circles and 12-week cognitive course complete.
  3. Develop and provide an 8-week online reentry circle facilitator course.
  4. Improve online presence as suggested by the UH students.
  5. Start a pilot with Honolulu federal court designing an RJ reentry circle process.

Respectfully submitted:
Lorenn Walker
Volunteer Executive Director
Hawai’i Friends of Restorative Justice

Date: January 5, 2016