
2023 Annual Report

We are excited to present our 2023 annual report, highlighting the remarkable achievements of HFRJ over the past year. Noteworthy milestones include the very successful Justice Innovations Summit; impressive outcomes and big changes from our ongoing Higher & Continuing Education Program at WCCC; the 15th Annual Parole Completion Celebration; and our continuing, impactful Huikahi Restorative Reentry Circles, among others. To delve into these exciting accomplishments and more, please read on.

2022 Annual Report


1. Secured funding from the Hawaii State Legislature to continue second year of the highly successful
Higher & Continuing Education Pilot Program for women in Women’s Community Correctional
Center (WCCC)
2. Participated in the Women’s Prison Project advocacy project to de-carcerate women in Hawai‘i
and succeeded in getting ground-breaking legislation passed to support imprisoned women
3. Continued to provide the Family Law Clinic for women imprisoned at WCCC
4. Held the 14th Annual Parole Completion Celebration in person at the Hawaii Supreme Court
5. Supported the Kalihi Leadership Academy (KLA), spearheaded by former HFRJ Treasurer Lisa
Jensen, which was began as an after-school program for youth in Kalihi
6. Continued working with public schools to educate students regarding restorative justice
approaches to conflict and assist them with adopting peacemaking practices, “whole RJ schools”
and solution focused practices
7. Conducted three Huikahi Restorative Reentry Circle Facilitator trainings
8. Collaborated and assisted others with research results and learning about restorative justice and
solution focused approaches
9. Held Huikahi Reentry Circles for 13 individuals for a total 57 participants
10. Completed restorative & solution-focused pilot project for Kapilipono federal court pilot program
11. Three academic papers published and one op-ed in Civil Beat

2020 Annual Report

This year’s annual report details Hawai`i Friends’ achievements…

  1. Developed and provided restorative justice (RJ) & solution focused monthly sessions and reentry circles for Kapilipono federal court pilot program – went online in March
  2. Provided family law clinic for women imprisoned at Women’s Community Correctional Center (WCCC)
  3. Assist public schools adopt peacemaking practices, “whole RJ school” and solution-focused approaches
  4. Developed and provided four inspiring speakers for online Innovative Speakers Series
  5. Higher & remedial education program pilot developed for imprisoned women in collaboration with WCCC education program, Windward Community College, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, College of Arts & Sciences, and McKinley Community School for Adults
  6. 12th Parole Completion Celebration provided online with Hawai‘i state Parole Office that Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald opened
  7. Additional public education programsprovided a number of talks, workshops, and individual support for the public to learn about our work and research
  8. WCCC book study group provided
  9. Academic papers published, submitted one, and working on more

2019 Hawai’i Friends Annual Report

This year’s annual report details Hawai’i Friends of Restorative Justice’s achievements in 2019.

1. Affiliated with University of Hawai‘i (UH), College of Arts & Sciences, Public Policy Center

2. Developed curriculum and provide restorative justice (RJ) & solution focused monthly sessions for Kapilipono federal court pilot program

3. Continued family law clinic for women imprisoned at Women’s Community Correctional Center

4. Developed & provided “whole school RJ” and solution-focused pilot program

5. Provided three community conversations on compassionate listening, forgiveness, ho‘oponopono and modern restorative justice with Malina Kaulukukui

6. Developing plan for higher education program for imprisoned women with Pros & Ex-Cons group

7. Affiliated with Nepal Forum for Restorative Justice to pilot a process for women who have left abusive partners in Kathmandu, Nepal and explore other ways our two small non-profits/NGOs can help each other

8. Provided 11th Parole Completion Celebration

9. Trained 7 peacemakers from New Zealand and others from O‘ahu on reentry circle model

10. Published one academic paper, one book review, and submitted second academic paper for 2020 publication

11. Provided solution-focused mediation & restorative facilitation course & peer education for women imprisoned by the state and reentry circles for federal court defendants

12. Continued working with Dr. James Richardson, associate professor, Shidler School of Business, University of Hawai‘i, to research costs & benefits analysis of reentry circles

13. Assisting others on reentry circle replication and other overall broad RJ promotion

2017 Annual Report

Hawai‘i Friends of Restorative Justice (HFRJ) continued to provide programs to help improve the justice system by giving individuals the opportunity to engage in civic processes to address healing and reconciliation when social injustice and wrongdoing occurs. HFRJ continued researching, writing and publishing about its projects in order to contribute to best practices and evidence based knowledge about what can help increase civic engagement and healing for individuals and communities.