Restorative Celebration: Parole Completion Celebration Event (a restorative ritual)
This celebration recognizes and honors the hard work of the people getting off parole, their loved ones’ support, and the work Hawai’i parole officers, members of our justice system, and the community, have done to help people restore their relationships and citizenship.
Between 50 and 75 people participate yearly in this event, with participant attendance increasing each year. Participants include judges, service providers and advocates who work with incarcerated individuals, people on parole, out of prison, the people completing parole and their loved ones. A large restorative circle is formed in celebration of those who have competed their parole.
In 2010 Hawai‘i Friends began piloting a restorative ritual for successful parolees with assistance of professors John Braithwaite author of Crime, Shame and Reintegration, and Shadd Maruna, author of Making Good: How Ex-Convicts Reform and Rebuild Their Lives.
The first parolee celebration was held at the Hawai’i Supreme Court’s Ali’iolani Hale, on March 31, 2010. This date marked the beginning of a new tradition. The event has been held annually since.
2010 Probation Completion Pilot
A private probation completion celebration was held for a man being released from probation from Judge Steven Alms’ court in 2010. Five probation officers, the judge and the man being released from probation participated in a facilitated process.
Participants surveyed found it positive.
2015 Probation Completion Celebration
Our Seventh Annual Parole Completion Celebration honoring the hard work of people completing parole & those who helped them was held on October 13, 2015 at Ali’iolani Hale, Hawai’i Supreme Court.
Restorative award presentations were made by Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald & Rich Turbin, Pres. Hawai’I Friends to:
Georgette Kahao, Masters of Social Work Student, University of Hawai’i Restorative Justice Award for Formerly Incarcerated Person;
Kat Brady, Community Activist & Advocate
Restorative Justice Community Award;
Michela Valador, Adult Correctional Officer, Women’s Community Correctional Center
Restorative Justice Prison Award;
Leslie Kobayashi, Federal District Court Judge
Judicial Innovation Award;
Mark Nanamori, Hawai’i State Parole Officer
Russ Takaki Restorative State Parole Officer Award;
Cheryl Inouye, Hawai’i Probation Section Administrator
Russ Takaki Restorative State Probation Officer Award; and
Lisa Jicha, Senior U.S. Probation Officer
Russ Takaki Restorative Federal Probation Officer Award.
Click here for photos of the 2015 HFRJ Parole Celebration