RJ in Prison: Adult Criminal Court Program – Pono Kaulike

Pilot Programming for Prison
Pono Kaulike  

In 2002 Hawai‘i Friends developed an important restorative justice pilot project that also applied solution-focused approaches for a Honolulu criminal court where mainly intimate and domestic violence parties engage in the pilot processes, either together or separately (2004, Hawaii Bar Journal, Pono Kaulike: A Restorative Justice Pilot Program http://www.restorativejustice.org/articlesdb/articles/5401 and Pono Kaulike: A Hawaii Court Provides Restorative Justice Practices for Healing Relationships, Walker & Hayashi, Federal Probation Journal, Vol. 71, No. 3, 18-24, 2007 http://www.uscourts.gov/fedprob/December_2007/hawaiianCriminalCourt.html).

Pono Kaulike shows promise for reducing recidivism.Hawai‘i Friends completed an evaluation of the program for recidivism reduction funded by the Hawaii Justice Foundation. The research showed that people who had the Pono Kaulike intervention had significantly less incidents of re-offending than people who did not participate in Pono Kaulike.

The results have been published in Pono Kaulike: Reducing Violence with Restorative and Solution-Focused Approaches, Federal Probation Journal, Walker & Hayashi, Vo. 73. No. 1, June 2009 paper http://www.uscourts.gov/fedprob/June_2009/FocusedApproaches.html