Pilot Programming for Prison
Facilitator Training for Incarcerated People
Hawai‘i Friends has designed and trained over 200 imprisoned individuals in Hawai‘i on restorative justice facilitation, emotional intelligence and solution-focused language skills.
This program (2006, Corrections Today, “A Gift of Listening for Hawaii’s Inmates” http://www.restorativejustice.org/articlesdb/articles/7367) is also the subject of a chapter in Restorative Justice Today: Practical Applications, van Wormer & Walker.
Research of a small sample of particiapnts who’ve had the training and been out of prison 2 years or more since they took it, indicates it reduces recidivism. See the paper: Huikahi Restorative Circles: Group Process for Self-Directed Reentry Planning and Family Healing, European Journal of Probation, Walker, October 2010, 2:2, p. 76-95 http://www.ejprob.ro/index.pl/huikahi_restorative_circlesgroup_process_for_self-directed_reentry_planning_and_family_healing
Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence, www.danielgoleman.com, has said that this prison work is “magnificent” and Phil Zimbardo, the Stanford Prison Experiment and author of The Lucifer Effect: How Good People Turn Evil says the work is “wonderful.”