Restorative Solution Circles
Protective orders including temporary restraining orders (TROs) amendment pilot project for voluntary parties who want to repair their relationships
In 2012 a petitioner contacted us and requested us to conduct a restorative process involving the respondent to a protective order–several years prior the respondent had violently threatened the petitioner. With both adult parties voluntary agreement, and after arranging for an attorney to go to family court to have the protective order temporarily lifted for purposes of the parties meeting, we facilitated a series of Restorative Solutions Circles – applying restorative justice and solution-focused approaches – at meetings with the parties. The last two circles included other loved ones of the parties. After four circles were held over a four month period, the parties requested to have the protective order permanently removed. We arranged for an attorney to make that motion and today the parties report their relationship is repaired, and that they are regularly enjoying each others’ company in peaceful ways.
We are continuing this pilot and will report on it as it progresses with more parties contacting us for assistance.
Mock Huikahi Restorative Circle and Interview with Circle Former Participants – PART 1 from Lorenn Walker on Vimeo.