This year's annual report details Hawai'i Friends of Restorative Justice's achievements in 2019.
1. Affiliated with University of Hawai‘i (UH), College of Arts & Sciences, Public Policy Center
2. Developed curriculum and provide restorative justice (RJ) & solution focused monthly sessions for Kapilipono federal court pilot program
3. Continued family law clinic for women imprisoned at Women’s Community Correctional Center
4. Developed & provided “whole school RJ” and solution-focused pilot program
5. Provided three community conversations on compassionate listening, forgiveness, ho‘oponopono and modern restorative justice with Malina Kaulukukui
6. Developing plan for higher education program for imprisoned women with Pros & Ex-Cons group
7. Affiliated with Nepal Forum for Restorative Justice to pilot a process for women who have left abusive partners in Kathmandu, Nepal and explore other ways our two small non-profits/NGOs can help each other
8. Provided 11th Parole Completion Celebration
9. Trained 7 peacemakers from New Zealand and others from O‘ahu on reentry circle model
10. Published one academic paper, one book review, and submitted second academic paper for 2020 publication
11. Provided solution-focused mediation & restorative facilitation course & peer education for women imprisoned by the state and reentry circles for federal court defendants
12. Continued working with Dr. James Richardson, associate professor, Shidler School of Business, University of Hawai‘i, to research costs & benefits analysis of reentry circles
13. Assisting others on reentry circle replication and other overall broad RJ promotion
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